Monday, 21 February 2011

Hello Spring!

Winter is begining to let go her grip at last on the garden and the snowdrops are out in full bloom. Some crocuses are also in flower and the daffodils are not far behind them. It has been quite mild and buds are now breaking on the branches of shrubs and trees. I have been re-designing the garden a bit. Mainly the lawn which I am trying to enlarge so there will be less of flower beds to weed! I am not getting any younger and certainly not as fit as I was! I have made a new vegetable plot and a place to have my compost heap. The fish in the small pond have got their first feed of the year. I cannot belive they have come through such a harsh winter with so much deep ice on the pond surface. Coming by the large pond today I noticed some frog spawn. Yesterday I watched a female frog getting half choked round the neck with one male and another one clinging to her legs. Frogs are not my favourite creatures! Hope it stays dry the rest of the week but the forecast is not too good.


  1. Ole Pal, these are some of the most videos and flowers i have ever seen. The site looks great and will come back often to smell the flowers of spring and summer... Will get you linked as soon as i can...

  2. Good grief, most beautiful , i meant to say...haaaa

  3. Thank you Judy and you are welcome at anytime!

  4. I had goldfish like that but alas i managed to send them to the great pond in the sky...I love to watch fish swim around, it's very soothing...

  5. Colin, you have a beautiful blog here. I love the way you have it layed out. Such beautiful flowers and garden .. a true labor of love, I can see. By the way, Judy not only sent her fish to the great fishpond in the sky .. she gave me and David a couple of fish .. dropped one on it's little head when she was dropping it into the fishbowl. Not long after that, it started swimming to the middle of the bowl .. stopped .. and proceeded to swim backwards. I watched him (his name was Finny), for a few days, and then one day he just turned on his side and there was no more swimming for poor Finny.. He had bigger fish to fry, in that fishpond in the sky. haha I still have Minnie, but I don't let Judy anywhere near her. hahaha

  6. Quite right not to let Judy anywhere near Minnie as you could have a minnie disaster on your hands Gerti. Glad you like the blog and thank you for dropping in.

  7. Colin, I love visiting your blogs. I always get a feeling of peace and tranquility. I can almost hear the birds singing and smell the sweet aroma of all those beautiful flowers. I can feel a gentle breeze stirring the leaves and the warmth that only the SON can provide. Lovely place to be, dear friend .. simply lovely!

  8. Thank you Gerti for all the lovely things you have written. My garden is nothing special but it is my garden and I love being in it. I try my best in all my blogs and everything I do. You are most welcome anytime Gerti.

  9. Well, Colin (Judy's ole pal), you not only try, you succeed at doing your best. You have "Quality" written all over you, my friend! And like Arnold Schwarzenager "I'll be back".

  10. Thank you Gerti and you dont have to keep putting your comments in here or you will end up like me on your blog until you sorted it out! Stick a comment in the top of page posting if you like.
